第114期(2002年11月3日) |
经文:太4:17-22 |
我们都是神的子民,有朝一日,我们都要复活回到天家,在神的宝座前欢喜快乐。但如今我们仍然在世上,每天都可以见到许多罪恶发生。我们在这世上有神特别的托付,基督徒活在地上的目的就是服事神、尊荣神。 主耶稣开始传道的时候,就对众人说:“天国近了,你们应当悔改!”(参太4:17)在神的眼中人人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。我们若认罪,神是信实的,必赦免我们的罪。(参罗3:23、约壹1:9)当我15岁时,圣灵光照我,要我认罪悔改。人在睡前有洗澡的习惯,因为每天24小时身体都不断地被污秽,肮脏了。我们的灵与魂每天也被罪污秽,所以我们的灵与魂也需要每天洗澡,即认罪悔改。主耶稣传道工作一开始就传悔改的道。 在前苏联乌克兰的教会,悔改是一个非常重要的命令。当牧师讲完悔改的道,许多男女老幼就纷纷到台前公开痛哭悔改。若你还未认罪,赶快向神认罪,神必洗净你。 耶稣呼召彼得和安德烈,他们立刻舍了网,跟从了耶稣(参太4:18-20)。这也是耶稣对我们的呼召。若我们跟从了耶稣,就得着一个应许:得人如得鱼。若我们愿意跟从主,就要得人如得鱼。我们是否做到为主得人了呢?得人如得鱼就是向迷失的、必死的、将下地狱的人传福音。我们的亲友邻居以及四围的人都需要耶稣。 耶稣还呼召了补网的雅各和约翰(参太4:21-22)。补网是十分重要的,因为若不补网,鱼就会漏光。我们受装备成为神的仆人,祷告,劝勉、坚固弟兄姐妹就是补网。 耶稣最初的命令就是:来跟从我,作得人的渔夫。不要隐藏福音,而是要分享福音。我在世界各地旅行时,总是喜欢问两个问题。一次,我在新加坡遇见一群女孩,她们问我的工作,我说:“我做的是全世界最伟大的工作”。她们猜了钻石商、石油商、电影明星等。我回答说:“都不是。我跟从万王之王,不论我去哪,我都问两个问题。第一个是:‘当你死后,你确定你会上天堂吗?'”她们不能确定。《圣经》告诉我们,上帝为我们预备了天堂,但世上有许多人上不了天堂,即使在教会中也有许多人不敢肯定自己能上天堂,甚至他们真的无法上天堂。女孩们急于要知道第二个问题,我说:“如果你离开世界,站在耶稣面前,你认为为什么你可以上天堂呢?”其实正确答案只有一个,不是因为你是信徒,也不是因为你受洗了,也不是因为你的奉献,而是因为你信靠耶稣。谈话结束后,有几个新加坡女孩祷告决志信靠耶稣。这就是耶稣对你我的要求――传扬福音。 当耶稣复活后,他聚集门徒,对他们说:“所以,你们要去使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了”(太28:19-20)。在这段经文中有四个动作:1、去:你每天都去许多地方购物、上班、上学、拜访亲友……不论你去哪里都要传福音。2、使人做耶稣的门徒:你可以分享你信主的经历,告诉他们耶稣的受死、复活,讲明主所成就的救恩,为他们祷告,带他们来教堂聚会。3、受洗:信主的人要受洗归入主的名下。4、教训:将主的教导告诉弟兄姐妹。在我们离世之前,我们都要遵主命传福音。 在徒1:7-8 耶稣对门徒说:“父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候、日期,不是你们可以知道的。但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。”这是主在世上的最后一句话。我们不知主何时再来,但我们确实相信耶稣升天之前的应许,当圣灵降临在我们身上时,我们就必得着能力。主要涂抹我们一切的罪,并要让圣灵充满我们。为什么呢?因为我们要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,做耶稣的见证。带着圣灵的能力传扬福音,这就是耶稣基督要我们做的事。 The First and The Last Instructions of LORD JESUS By Pastor Gao Aidi Bible Verse Reading: Matthew 4: 17-22 We all are God's people. One day we will be resurrected and return to our heavenly home, and be happy and joyful in the front of God's throne. But living in this world, we see evils happening each day. We have unique entrustment from God. That is, our goal is to serve and glorify God. When LORD Jesus began to proclaim, He said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (Matthew 4: 17) In God's mind all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. If we confess our sins, He who is faithful will forgive us our sins. (Ref. Romans 3:23, 1 John 1: 9) When I was fifteen, the Holy Spirit shined on me and asked me to repent. People usually take a bath before going to bed as the physical body is easy to get dirty. Every day our spirit and soul is blemished by sin, so our spirit and soul needs washing each day, i.e. to repent. The first time Jesus proclaimed, He proclaimed the word of repent. In a church in Ukraine, the ex-Soviet Union, to repent is a very important requirement. When the pastor finished talking about the word of repent, many people went to the platform to cry and repent publicly. Come to God to repent if you haven't, and God is sure to cleanse you. Jesus called Peter and Andrew, who immediately left their nets and followed Him. (Ref. Matthew 4: 18-20) This is also Jesus' call for us. If we follow Jesus, we will receive the promise: we will be made to fish for people. Have we won people for the LORD? To fish for people is to spread gospel to the lost, to the ones who are doomed to die and to go to hell. Our relatives and friends and all the people around us need Jesus. Jesus also called James and John when they were mending their nets. (Ref. Matthew 4: 21-22) Mending the nets is of vital importance, for the fish will be slipped away if the nets are not mended. We are equipped to be God's servants and the praying, persuasion and reinforcement among Christians is mending nets. The first instruction of Jesus: To follow me and to fish for people. We should share the gospel instead of hiding it. When I travel around the world, I always like asking two questions. Once I was in Singapore and met some girls who asked me about my job. I answered, "I am doing the greatest job in the world." They guessed that I was a jeweler or a petrol trader or a film star. I replied, "None of it is true. I follow the king of kings, and wherever I go, I ask two questions: 'Are you sure you will go to heaven when you die?'" They cannot be sure. The Bible tells us that God prepares heaven for us. However, many people cannot go to heaven, even in church many are not sure if they can go to heaven. They are really unable to go to heaven. The girls are eager to know the second question. I said, "When you leave the world for Jesus, standing in front of Him, what do you think is the reason for you to be admitted to heaven? The only key lies neither in the fact that you are a believer, nor in that you have been baptized, and nor in that you have dedicated something, but in that you rely on Jesus. After the talk, some of the girls prayed and made up their mind to rely on Jesus. To spread gospel is what Jesus requires us to do. After the resurrection of Jesus, he gathered his disciples and said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28: 19-20) There are four verbs in this verse: 1. Go: each day you go to many places, go shopping, go to office, go to school, go to visit friends and relatives…. Wherever you go, spread the gospel. 2. Make disciples of all people: You can share your experience in the LORD and tell them the death and resurrection of Jesus. Explain to them the saving grace fulfilled by the LORD. Pray for them and bring them to church. 3. Baptize: The believers of the LORD should be baptized into Christ. 4. Teach: Give your brothers and sisters the LORD'S instructions. We should always follow the LORD and spread the gospel as long as we are in this world. In Acts 1: 7- 8 Jesus said to his apostles, "It is not for you know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." These are the last words of the LORD when he was in the world. We have no idea when the LORD will come again, but we do believe the promise Jesus had made before he rose to heaven. When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we are empowered. Our LORD wants to wipe out our sins and fill us with Holy Spirit. Why? Because we will be the witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. To spread the gospel with the ability given by Holy Spirit is what Jesus Christ wants us to do. |
(根据录音整理) |